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 from it's MEMBRES

The Impakthon Project – Climate Action and Leadership Training Courses, Madagascar

Our project, Impakthon process, is one of engaging the youth through education in leadership and sustainable development, to lead the way in supporting the transition of developing countries from poverty to a sustainable future in partnership with developed countries. The youth of Africa is a huge part of its capital, and this project will create opportunities for young people to be trained to become the leaders of the future. One hundred of them will be invited to write their own national development plan of part of the awareness and confidence building strategy this end of July 2022.

The 4A Alliance’s IMPAKTHON programme - Madagascar / UN and ECC

- €1 million proposal to train 15,000 young environmentalists in Eastern Africa.

- €3 million proposal to train 30,000 young environmentalists in Eastern Europe  for the Empowerment of youth climate activists as the leading force for climate change action

1.a) Climate Computer Centre Network – CCCN, Madagascar
The project will create during the coming 18-20 months an army of educated leaders and entrepreneurs trained at AAAA's national Climate Computer Centre Network (CCCN) in Madagascar with links to developed country, in this case, Ireland and Europe.
A young African leader, Anita 3R, has managed the start up of several computers centres (OdeLs) in Madagascar, and has ran popular and well attended pre-leadership courses in sustainable development and the circular economy. There will be more training for up to a hundred students in pre-leadership courses, and some of the graduates may retrain others in the next few months. Many of the students have already presented concept notes on entrepreneurial projects they are keen to develop and find support for.

NGO InSERT ‘s team in Madagascar is running a number of affordable, Wi-Fi enabled computer centres in Madagascar, equipped with donated used laptops from Ireland. It is led by a young African mother Anita 3R , who is providing training in the CA and CE training (climate action and circular economy), and pre leadership courses. InSERT and CCCn project are endorsed by a number of Madagascar ministers, including the MEPB and METFP Minister for Further Education and are applying for funding to extend this network to 1,000 centres, and partnering with private funders.

The 4A Alliance’s ODANE (ODA network for efficiency-effectivness) as TPM through CSO involvment

· We (the 4A Alliance) are specialists of ODA effectiveness.

We are working since months and years on the effectiveness of grant aid given, and recently to Madagascar (but also other eastern African countries)

We aim to implement worldwide a kind of ODA TPM tool based on the CSO participation. The outcomes can produce effects such as the following:

1. 'Watchdog' function giving a guarantee of effectiveness – done through a TPM app powered by the CSO.

2. Influencing governmental policies by increasing accountability of effectiveness through CSO involment and recommendations

3. Deliver a quality label for humanitarian aid, which indicates the effectiveness of aid in delivering real improvements.

The 4A Alliance’s RAN-GO Solar Tower Utility – Concentrated Desalination and Energy Unit for coastal communities

RAN-GO, is the most remarkable way to produce drinking and farming water for villages between 50-200 people community. It can be a community led and owned mini-utility unit producing desalinated seawater, and providing a cheap stream of drinking and farming water. This solution is nature based, and so affordable it could change the lives of millions in coastal desert areas, of which there are 16,000 km worldwide. This project is simple enough to be replicated internationally and impact two-three billion people living in coastal desert areas.
It took our cluster/consortium years to optimize and research this project, and universities and NGOs from our cluster recently applied to EbA, as it is EbA compliant and other funds for step 3 of its deployment.
It is affordable enough to have the potential to:

· solve the water security issue,
· create a source of renewable energy, zero carbon, enabling villages to become electrified,
· create farming water for farms
· create water for reforestation for biomass and sequestration of carbon
· create employment for private business owners
· create community owned and funded enterprise through micro credit

RAN-GO is FULLY EbA compliant 'ecosystems based adaptation'!

RAN-GO matches goals of access to water for all:
* It is a community owned and run mini-utility plant.
• It also matches climate adaptation criteria and circular development targets, cooperative decent work opportunities
• It can produce drinking and farming water.

Keywords are: utilities, water, energy adaptation or transition, agro-forestry, livelihoods, villages, community run, food, resilience, solar, nature, re-flourishing, bio-diversity, RAN-GO, Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, LDC, SIDS, reforestation and sustainable

Our "FEMOW" process among our members is: Strengthening Endogenous Capacities of LDC/SIDS to Access Calls and Tenders incl Finance through Peer to peer Mentoring.

Statement: A major obstacle to developing effective enrvironment, climate change adaptation, EbA etc..policies and projects in LDCs/SIDSsis a lack of endogenous capacity related to policy formulation and project design and implementation. Limited funding available to LDC/SIDSgovernments from international financiers and the private sector to support adaptation undermines scaled-up adaptation action and the transformative change that is necessary to move LDCs & SIDSsinto climate-resilient economic and social development pathways.

Our objective : The objective of our FEMOW (Fellowship Enhancement by Mentoring though Online Workshops) between members of our cluster of academic/research institutions/MOH leaders/CSO-NGOs to share and grow capacity building in order to be able to propose and apply to climate change adaption funds such as those being developed by the United Nations Environment Programme, and funded by the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF/GEF), but also AF, Europe AID etc...

Project outcomes : The FEMOW project’s objective is to strengthen capacities of Least Developed Countries (LDCs including Madagascar and eastern African Countries, but also SIDS such as RM etc..) to achieve scaled up and effective climate change adaptation by fostering sustained endogenous technical services for project development, policy mainstreaming and the creation of an enabling environment for adaptation to climate change. The FEMOW project mentoring members based in Europe and ASEAN will work primarily with our LDC and SIDS members and will help to steer and implement peer to peer mentoring.

Process : To insure its capacity building and institutional strengthening activities, FEMOW project has gathered mentor institutions that have established programs and experience with conducting applied research, developing decision support information products, and providing other specialized technical services (e.g., economic analysis of adaptation options, risk/vulnerability assessments, adaptation project design, training programs) to governments and other bodies. These mentor institutions will provide technical and capacity building support to all of our members (universities, CSO-NGOs) during the first phase of fellowship training, and more in-depth institution-to-institution support for the newly-established thinktanks (including setting up technical services offerings, developing business and engagement plans, establishing prospective budgets, etc.).

Arís initie la généralisation d'un concept innovant de réutilisation-recyclage-renaissance et donne naissance à un nouveau secteur de réutilisation combiné à l'aide humanitaire.

Nous appelons ce concept « Centre de réutilisation de 20 000 tonnes ». Alors que nous imaginons que les locaux ne représentent que 15 à 25 % de l'ensemble du concept, il s'agit plutôt d'une "plate-forme d'économie circulaire" dédiée aux grandes expérimentations.

NB : Les flux de marchandises sont :
• Appareils électriques
• Matériaux de construction
• Meubles
• Vélos, jouets, livres
• Articles ménagers en général

Section 1 Arís - Irlande et Europe :

Il y a plusieurs secteurs à cela :

1. Communications : sensibilisation, plaidoyer et éducation du public sur l'importance de la réutilisation des ressources, notamment post-covid !
2. Centre de contact : numéro d'appel national/site web permettant aux personnes de savoir comment réutiliser leurs biens.
3. Points de collecte : une variété de moyens et de points de collecte pour acheminer les marchandises vers le centre.
4. Centre de réutilisation, servant de centre de collecte, de réparation et de revente, comme les centres de recyclage, sur le terrain du Conseil. 5 à 30% des ressources reçues pourraient avoir une autre vie en Irlande.
5. Exporter > 70 % vers ECC et à l'étranger.

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